
Glory Veiled and Unveiled: A Heart-Searching Look at Christ’s Parables is unavailable, but you can change that!

Glory Veiled and Unveiled is a spiritually rewarding study of Christ’s parables that shows students of Scripture how to read the parables in a way that allows the biblical text to interpret the reader. Author Gerald Bilkes believes that when we read Scripture this way, we open ourselves to be transformed by it. An ideal tool for personal or group Bible study, with questions following each lesson,...

estate on which a father lives with his two sons and hired servants. There are two men building houses in different locations—one on rock, one on the sand. There is a traveling scene where a man is attacked by robbers as he makes his way from one place to another. What common, everyday scenes! Think of Christ’s use of common elements—of pearls, leaven, oil, coins, and sheep. Jesus did so much with the ordinary things of life! As the Son of God, Christ had created all these things, seen and unseen.
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